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Jumat, 30 Juli 2010



Nvidia's dominance in the green camp poured graphic products, is now getting aggressive reaction from AMD. The red faction is reported to have exceeded ordering Nvidia graphics products, during quarter two 2010.

The report quoted from Cnet, on Friday (30/07/2010) then says that AMD is superior to 51 percent in ordering products, compared to Nvidia which is only 49 percent. If compared to last year, the number is so significant.

In the year 2009 in the same quarter, the position was reversed with the AMD camp is just over 41 percent ordering products, when compared to Nvidia. Aggressiveness AMD makes their graphics growth increased 10 percent in this year's same quarter.

Nvidia's own little 'throe' with fumble their predictions, that he now feels more aggressive competitors.

For information, AMD has orderingat least 16 million DirectX 11 graphics cards since they were nine months ago. The company is considered quite successful with bringing the 5800 series graphics.

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