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Senin, 21 Juni 2010



4G cellular networks with LTE technology expected to be able to start commercial operations in 2012 in Indonesia. But unfortunately the phone and modem LTE is still expensive. Projected that the new device will be cheap in the next year, namely in 2013.

Although a number of cellular operators in the world have been implementing LTE, but according to Siswanto Dasijo, VP of Technology Masterplan Telkomsel, until now there is no handset that supports LTE. So even with a USB modem dongle, the number is still little that is available on the market.

"For a new USB dongle that provides LG and Samsung, and the price is still expensive, still above 2000 euros," he said on the sidelines of the inauguration of LTE trials, at the Hotel Gran Melia, Jakarta, Monday (06/21/2010).

Telkomsel's own estimate, LTE, a new high-end handsets will be available in late 2010. "Whereas for low-end handsets below U.S. $ 100 (below Rp 1 million), will be available starting in 2013," said Siswanto.

LTE yourself a new start was tested internally and externally in Jakarta in Garut, West Java in outdoor. This trial took vendor Huawei, Ericsson, and Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN).

According Siswanto, LTE service is operated commercially by the operators in foreign countries such as Telia Sonera, AT & T, Verizon, KDDI, NTT DoCoMo, CSL, and Telenor

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