Local brand mobile phone manufacturers are still only carrying the qwerty phone like a Blackberry. But this time the brand DGTel choose not to use the trackpad or trackball.
DGtel offers a qwerty phone with a solid display. This DG10 series phones, equipped with big speakers to support multimedia applications. The design of this phone different from the general mobile phone qwerty, particularly body shape rear. There is a kind of bandage-sized almost half of the length of the phone, which made it stand out from the other.
There was a large speaker and camera lens. This makes DGtel DG10 look unique. Use different colors in the second part, like yellow gold and black, plus the texture on the surface of the casing, making this phone looks solid.
The phone is priced at 300 thousand has also seen steady, if visits the front with the numeric keys are made prominent. With a golden yellow color that dominates the front of the casing and keypad user not believe if this phone materal made of plastic.
DG10 not have a button on the side of the body. Three LED lights on the top side, and a hole measuring 2.5 mm pengecas battery on the underside, and 2.5 mm audio jack port on the upper left side.
Mobile phones with 2.0-inch screen, a view that is sederhaan when turned on. No barisam menu at the bottom of the screen. There is only signal indicators and operator logo, battery indicator, as well as calendar and clock display. This makes the display screen looks clean DG10.
Typical mobile DGtel visible when entered the main menu. The icon menu with frame Rounded oval like blue water droplets, making the phone display is different from the others. Mini-sized menu icons will light up when highlighted.
DGtel also complement this phone with multimedia applications. On the Multimedia menu there are applications to display images, video player, sound player, FM radio and bluetooth.
FM radio application can be turned on asceticism must plug the earphones because it already has an antenna embedded in the phone. Another advantage, this phone has a large speaker. Sound radio and music played through a sound player, a sound that tight.
The phone is equipped with three LED lights on the side of the body. Its use is simple. To turn on and turn off the lights, simply by pressing the OK button in the navigation. When tried, the light emitted is bright enough.