China's ambition to create the fastest supercomputer in the world seems to have materialized. China finally succeeded in aligning themselves with American-made super-fast computers, Jaguar.
Bamboo Curtain country succeeds in creating a domestic-made supercomputers, capable of 1000 trillion operations per second. This speed is the same with Jaguar, that is equal to 1.75 petaflops per second (one petaflop is equivalent to 1000 trillion calculations).
Tianhe named supercomputer-1 is scheduled to be operational in September 2010. Tianhe-1 was developed by the National University of Defense Technology of China since 2009.
Calculations per second performed a same-Tianhe calculations done by the 1.3 billion people within 88 years. While memory capacity equivalent to a collection of four libraries, each of which contains 27 million books.
Quoted from Bignews Network, Saturday (09/04/2010), Tianhe-1 plan will be used for animation, biomedical research, the development of aerospace equipment, resource exploration, satellite remote sensing and weather forecasting.
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