Want to see pictures of three-dimensional impressions? On the movie screen, on your PC screen, notebook screen, or in a special television screen carrying the 3D feature, you need a special eyeglasses that can make images look 3D. Can the old type glasses (shutter model, or one blue lens and one red), or a new model glasses (type polarizers). Bother you? It takes a lot of sunglasses too, if that many people watching.
Well there is good news about this 3D impressions. Applied Sciences Group, Microsoft, so Equipped Technology Review, has developed a new lens that negate the necessity to wear glasses that fat could see the 3D video. This lens is quite thin, around 11mm at the top and 6mm at the bottom. So he could easily be embedded in the LCD screen.
Microsoft prototype 3D display that comes with this lens have a camera that seems to duty to track the audience and directs the light to turn on / off LED-LED along the bottom edge of the lens. Is reportedly capable of projecting displays multiple images at once, deliver 3D video to two audiences at once (one individual videos for one eye), no matter where they stand. While the 2D video can be presented to four people at once (one video for each person).